Thursday, August 21, 2008

Litan Revealed

Well, I finally got off my butt and finished getting the arms and a touch of green stuff on my Litan model. It is basically a Necromunda Scavvy mini with a cadian las pistol arm and a WHFB zombie arm for 'The Hand'. I had planned on doing more to the hand with green stuff, but I don't think that is going to work. Since the hand kind of lacks the imposing look of a powerfist, I may change the rules for him a bit so that it only adds +2 to his strength in combat or something. Not really important at this point I guess.


Ian said...

That is tres, tres cool. I wouldn't object to the Powerfist rules myself. Although if you wanted, maybe you could give it some sort of horrific caustic secretions that justify the Powerfist stat line?

Ian said...

Also... is that a sponge in the background?

Al said...

Yes, I needed something to cover up the baby book that I was using to cover up the dirty dishes. Not sure what it is from, but it was a nice uniform colour, so I grabbed it.