The Snakes are typically tasked with operations far from the logistical support of the Imperial Guard or even the Ordo Xenos. As such, they have simplified their weapon choices considerably. Compared to an Imperial Guard Grenadier Company (perhaps the best comparison available), the Snakes have a much more limited selection of special weapons.
A Snakes Squad may take up to two Storm Bolters as Special Weapons.

The limited heavy firepower available to the Snakes is concentrated in the regiment's Support Weapons Company. Squads are then attached to individual Command Squads as needed.
A Snakes HQ Command Squad may take up to three Support Weapon squads, including Special Weapon Squads (Storm Bolters, Snipers, Demolitions), Anti-tank Squads (Missile Launchers or Lascannons), and Fire Support Squads (Multilasers).

What range are those minis from? They are pretty cool.
I was concerned that there would be opposition to non-GW minis.
They're from the Pig Iron range. Try this page for the full listing: http://www.rattleheadgames.com/catalog/PigIron28mmSci-FiProducts.html
Damn, I saw the pig iron link, but I didn't click it.
Heh - I gave Al a teaser look at the minis yesterday and he was trying to figure out which line they were. ;)
Oh right, I thought it might be from them. They have a range of heads as well.
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