Sandino's Snakes are a commando unit, intended for sudden, concentrated assaults on enemy targets. They are trained to the same standard as Storm Troopers, Grenadiers, or Cadian Kasrkin, and equipped similarly. Their carapace armour, however, is of a slightly different pattern than that of the better-known units. In addition, the plating on their legs has been replaced with lig

hter flak armour to improve mobility. The Snake philosophy is that the sacrifice of some armour protection is more than outweighed by the increased mobility. This lets the Snakes move faster and keep the enemy off balance. And that is the best armour of all.
Combined with their Faustus pattern battle rifles, their unique carapace armour gives the Snakes a distinctive look on the battlefield.
Snake Storm TrooperWS: 3
BS: 4
S: 3
T: 3
W: 1
I: 3
A: 1
Save: 4+
Equipment: Faustus Rifle, M.40 Targeter, Carapace Armour, Frags, Kraks
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