Thursday, August 7, 2008

All Talk, No Action

So what is this all about?

In a nutshell, our gaming circle talks a lot about different ideas, armies, campaigns... blah blah blah. But how many ever see the light of day? Almost zero. Especially when it comes to Warhamer 40,000.

The other night we were talking how cool it would be to create some themed armies around an idea we can use for a small campaign later on. We talked about some of our favourite games of 40K adn came to the conclusion that it all comes down to one thing: storytelling. Our best scenarios have always had a storytelling element to them, and frankly they are probably some of the best gaming experiences I've had. We've also been inspired by the awesome blog Bell of Lost Souls. These guys just get it and in my opinion embody what 40K is all about. It's not about bitching about rules, GW, codex creep, etc. etc. etc. It's about making it fun. Rules are meant to be broken, and I intend to break almost all of them.

So - the idea. We are going to create some themed 40K armies that eventually will be a part of a small campaign setting we will create. There will be modelling, background ideas, rules ideas, and anything else we can think of. I expect there will be moments of inspriation, followed by moments of burn-out and self doubt. But dammit, we are going to do it no matter how long it takes.

1 comment:

Al said...

Hopefully this is the start of some serious, scorn free inspiration.